Sunday, July 25, 2010

Clouds on the immediate horizon

We concern ourselves about how our parents are living in their sunset years. Perhaps we’ve helped them into their new digs, marveled at the surroundings, met their new neighbors. In time we’ve gotten on a first name basis with the front desk folks.

All too often we are hearing that the ax is being dropped on this vulnerable population. Companies are going bankrupt; cost cutting measures are being implemented.

What seemed like a great, gentle way of living out their lives now is fraught with anger, bitterness and fright. I can think of two such examples that have recently happened to both sides of my family. In one case, bankruptcy has touched the lives of in-laws. In a another, cut backs are threatening the life style for my mother.

What can be done about that? Is this the way we treat our seniors? Can we take something from these experiences and ensure that this doesn’t happen to us when we reach that point sometime in the future? After all, in spite of our life experiences and recessions, we deserve to have a few years of comfort as a reward for a life well lived.

Another question that needs to be asked: is this what we see for ourselves once we get far beyond our “goldenboomerhood” and into our dotage?

I am curious as to what you might think.

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